Compulsive Hoarding and Cluttering Syndrome – Housecleaning

Diogenes Syndrome - Home Cleanup, Sanitizing & Organization
Hoarding Disorder Help – Residential Clutter Cleaning NJ, NY, PA
Hoarder Assistance – Support - House Clean Up For Hoarders
Pack Rat – Saver Syndrome – Junk Removal & House Cleaning
Clutter Removal & Control For Families & Children Of Hoarders
Pet & Animal Hoarding, Sanitizing, Deodorizing & Decluttering

Call 732-225-0662 Now For Hoarding Help

Hoarding is the acquisition of large quantities of worthless junk items combined with the inability to discard them. This behavior may be associated with various psychiatric problems, but it is most commonly found in those with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). An estimated 700,000 to 1.4 million people in the USA are estimated to have compulsive hoarding syndrome (according to the International OCD Foundation). Since 1974, Gerrus Maintenance Inc. has been providing clutter removal and control services, senior squalor cleanup, disinfecting, odor remediation, microbial remediation, organizing, and decluttering help to compulsive hoarders, their families, and the children of hoarders. Our service area includes all of New Jersey, Staten Island, New York, and Northeastern Pennsylvania. We have experienced, sensitive, discreet, professional specialists on our staff to assist with all tasks, such as heavy duty housecleaning of neglected premises or unsanitary hoarding clean up or legally-ordered emergency remediation.

Saver syndrome is a condition that leads to the collection of potentially desirable or useful items to a disabling extent. We provide experienced, professional cleaning, sanitizing, deodorizing, indoor allergen removal, throw-out, repackaging, and organizational help for savers and their families.

Animal or pet hoarding is specialized hoarder behavior whereby numbers of household pets, domesticated barnyard animals, or non-domesticated animals are kept under squalid conditions that are unhealthy for both hoarder and animal, inhumane, unsanitary, odorous, and pose a health hazard to all those in the vicinity. Gerrus Maintenance Inc. is an organization that provides cleaning and organizing help for hoarders and much-needed assistance to their families. We have the expertise and cleanout experience to service any home with health hazardous conditions caused by animal waste accumulations characteristic of pet and animal hoarders. We are United States EPA RRP-certified.

Some of the symptoms of hoarding, such as indecisiveness, avoidance, and procrastination, can prevent anyone who is afflicted from being able to live in a clean, safe, sanitary, orderly indoor environment. Often, a family member, friend, or social worker must step in with some assistance. When that happens, call upon Gerrus. We will solve the problems associated with the buildup of junk, trash, food waste, garbage, bird and insect droppings, animal dander and other indoor allergens, human and animal urine or feces, and other problematic waste. Call us today for your cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing needs.

Ask the experienced, sensitive, competent, fully trained staff of Gerrus Maintenance Inc. for help. Our chemical engineer-managed staff will efficiently and discreetly de-clutter, clean, sanitize, and deodorize the affected residence, basement, attic or office in short order. Since 1974, Gerrus has performed difficult heavy duty, health hazard cleanups, with care and understanding, for those affected by compulsive hoarding & cluttering syndrome (Diogenes Syndrome or Pack Rat Syndrome), senile squalor syndrome (Plyushkin’s Syndrome or Havisham’s Syndrome), or Saver Syndrome. We specialize in heavy duty sanitizing, odor removal and health hazard remediation. We serve all of New Jersey, Staten Island New York, and Northeastern Pennsylvania.

  • Specialized, heavy-duty decluttering and cleanup for your house or apartment
  • Clutter, junk and trash removal with or without dumpster service
  • Partial or total residence clean out
  • Urine, feces, waste, odor removal
  • Bathroom cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing
  • Kitchen cleanup and sanitizing
  • Indoor allergen neutralization and removal
  • Full contact sanitizing and fog disinfecting services
  • Deodorization by eliminating odor at the source
  • Organization, separation, and throw-out help
  • Air quality improvement
  • Health hazard elimination
  • Organizing aid, assistance and support for families
  • Help for social workers, estate administrators and executors
  • ACAC-certified microbial and mold remediation
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) RRP-certified firm

If you need help, call Gerrus Maintenance Inc. today at 732-225-0662 or Request A Quote.

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Case Study: True Savings

We were asked to empty a neglected residence piled four-feet deep with trash. The owner had died, reportedly leaving a will written in a foreign language somewhere among the trash, probably on the back of a used postal envelope. We filled 10 dumpsters with garbage, sifting as we went. As impossible as it sounds, we found the will and other important documents on bits of scrap paper. During the process, we cleaned and deodorized the premises. We not only saved this neglected residence from the bulldozer, but also saved an inheritance for his heirs.